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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Rain - the fall of Bliss

Rain is the most blissful thing nurtured by nature. It changes everything around us, from dull dusty sand to the aromatic earth, from barren land to the lush green fields, from the blazing wind to the cool breeze and from the hot unpleasant climate to the amiable refreshing one. Everything around us gets a new look, a replenished refreshed kind of.

After bearing the non-bearable hot flaming & scorching heat, rain comes as a real show turner. It turns every bit of everything affably. The ambience transforms into a real enjoyable climate in which you would love to have those hot oily mouth-watering delicacies forgetting your strict diet plan, or you would love to have that long drive with your cutie neglecting the hectic schedule at work, or love to be just playing under this nature’s charisma.

Whether it’s the drizzle or the cloud burst, you really are blessed by the god’s nerved beauty. Drizzle is really beautiful as you experience those tiny little droplets falling on your face making you radiant from your innermost core. Cloud burst is rather a heavy take on the rain. It has the thundering sound of lightening with the thrusting winds of storm. The big drops are like banging on your face and it’s sometimes unbearable as it creates flood like situations. Nevertheless, the most awaiting people are the farmers in this rainy season. They all wait for this aid whole year as their hard work is being transformed into the final product. They pray to the “Parjanya” or “Indra” (the rain god) for bestowing the blessings on them. After receiving those blessings, the farmers become the most cheerful people in the world. For them, these blessings in the form of rain are more than any kind of precious jewels or any other honorable awards.

It’s truly a divine unconditional creation as the “Dyaush” Pita (the sky father) meets the “Prithvi” Mata (the earth mother) through the conduit of water droplets. The atmosphere becomes cool and tranquil after this sacred engagement. The wet aroma of sand turns on the mood and is more aromatic than any delicious food. 

The nature is singing a song with the beats of water droplets and the lush greenery is dancing to its tunes. The colorful flowers become more vivid and the green leaves of different plants become greener as they are laced by the beads of rain. 

It’s so soothing. With all these natural things becoming more fascinating, there is a sudden burst in a romance everywhere. Be it in those love birds crackling the grains sharing with each other, or in that peacock dancing at his best spreading those quills seducing the peahen, or in those couples having their best time ever, or in the couplet of flowers waving with the winds of rain enjoying this natural season of romance…love is certainly in the air this season.

The real alluring thing is to be laid down in this magical rainfall alone. The small spattering drops falling on your face having rejuvenating experience. It’s an experience that is so peaceful and enchanting. You would get to know the uncommon things that were present in you but were concealed and were not noticed in the mere usual situations. You would be inspired and admired and have a better vision about yourselves. You would find your own individuality and would feel that you are out of the crowd in some way and get to know yourself more clearly.  

In the end, rain has its own reasons to enjoy, its own rejoice, its own purpose to swing around, an inducement to enjoy the sparkling sound of spurting raindrops and the wet smell of earth, the thundering sound of lightening and the lush greenery around everywhere. So go out and play with it, as you’ll get to know yourself better.


  1. awesome article dude........good going.......!!

  2. this was best of all..so far your writing has a formal tone..dude belive me if you try and include sumthing of your unconventional writing...everyone will love it more..:P

  3. ya sanket will try for the unconventional writing in near future..thanks for the concern..:)


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