Well, it’s been a long time I haven’t got a chance to write anything. Oh, that’s pathetic excuse! There should be no such excuses. It’s almost more than a month I haven’t posted anything (too bad). Even I am not getting any idea what title should I give to this new entry in my blog. So, here I am re-honing the thing which I like the most in the world (even more than the crushes I have right now & the crushes I will have in the future) – “Writing”. Yeah, I am back into the business!
The last month was like a roller-coaster ride for me with everyday traveling meeting new people around, taking the new creative thing-photography to some better level, sharing ideas with someone all over, gazing those cute smiles & beautiful eyes far and wide, trying to help anyone & everyone, controlling the fluttering romance in the bus and lifeless boring work at the office and having a ball of time with the friends and the new friends at my workplace. Next posts will be related to the month that somehow changed my personality (as my best friend Mukesh told me, don't know how he got to this thing). May be you'll get to notice that sudden change in my writing too.
Well the last post was about someone’s smile I got to encountered with, someone whom I have been liking for so much time, now this one is for experiencing the same person’s persona and objectives and nature and behavior and….blah blah blah…all in all came to the conclusion that the person is just not the same as it seems to be on the first look. I have been writing many things solely on her beauty she possesses but the real reality is whole and all different. It’s like having some freaky “FREE” offers super scripted by an (*) asterisk sign in the end. Yes, Beauty is dangerous captivated by those beautiful mean smile & those sparkling eyes that just meant to bluff you. LoL. Well no more moaning on that as the conclusion is concluded. Sigh!
There’s so much to tell you all and there’s so much to write about but for now my bed is seducing me to sleep with. So catch you later. Good Night folks. :)