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Saturday, January 22, 2011

A New Beginning..

                Life entered in a new phase today..Struggle..thats the word-Struggle..Sort of a new word for me. Struggling is the phase where everyone goes through, where each and every living thing passes. While thinking on this, I saw one hoarding describing a thought written in gujarati which goes the way-
“Vijeta ni koi expiry date nathi hoti.” 
A winner doesn’t have any expiry dates, very true in its own sense. And whole thought carved out into one..
A life is not a life without struggle. Struggle to win life.. Struggle to win everything.. We are breathing, watching, listening, speaking, acting, reacting, learning and everything that our senses perceive. All in all we are struggling. Every second is a struggle. That’s the only way to conquer life and survive.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A boy with a Kite...

             Today in the morning I saw one little boy running with his kite, so cheerful, full with liveliness and bliss. He must be around 5 years old unaware of the outer world, deep down in to whatever he was doing. Just holding that kite in his small little hands was so much happy and smiling all the way running. Isn’t that true happiness? Doing whatever you want to do. Doing whatever you feel to do and experiencing the eternal state of bliss. That’s what the true state of happiness is. 

We all are in a race in achieving materialistic, unreal and useless things that just make us happy for some time. We expect that someone will come and make us happy, we expect happiness from others. Say it in sharing our views and expecting someone to be agree with us, doesn’t matter that thing is right or wrong, or the comments and views of others regarding the work we do. This all leads to expectations. And happiness is not bound to expectations; I should say PURE state of happiness is not bound to expectations. I know no one is interested in my writing or my photography but I like to do it. I do found my happiness in it and that doesn’t need anybody’s attention. I love to do it and I’ll do it until and unless it doesn’t harm anyone or his/her intentions. I love to share my world, my feelings whether through writing or photography.

Happiness is within us, deep down in some lost corner of our heart. Find that little corner and find that feeling that leads you towards happiness that is not bound by anyone.
Do whatever that leads you to the state where nothing matters, and what matters is just YOU and YOUR HAPPINESS.